
We offer standard shipping services for our products.

Shipping is free to all provided countries.

We aim to process and ship your order within 1-3 business days based on our stock and demand. Delivery times vary depending on your location, but in most cases, you can expect your order to arrive within 1 to 15 business days after it has been shipped.

At this time, we ship to addresses within the European Union, United Kingdom, United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Switzerland, and Norway.


You should receive your order between 1 and 15 days after you receive a shipping confirmation email from us. If your order has taken longer than 20 days to arrive, you can track it on our Order Tracking page. Due to COVID-19, customs clearance has been taking longer than usual for certain countries we ship to. If your order shows as In Transit, it is still on its way and is not lost.

We process and pack orders almost immediately after receiving them, so send us a message as soon as possible below, and we'll do our best to accommodate you. Unfortunately, we cannot guarantee your order can be changed once it's placed. If your order has already been processed, you can return it for a refund once it arrives.


We have a 30-day return policy, which means you have 30 days after receiving your item to request a return. To be eligible for a return, your item must be in the same condition that you received it, unworn or unused, with tags, and in its original packaging. You'll also need the receipt or proof of purchase. See our Return Policy for more details.

Please contact us to start your return process.

Please contact us to request an exchange.

You will need your order number and the email address you placed your order with. Your order number can be found on the order confirmation email.

Please contact us and our team will assist you!

You can cancel an order on your Order Confirmation Page within 2 hours of it being placed.

To cancel, click the View Order Status link in the order confirmation email we sent you. Then, select Cancel under Order Actions.

Because we process orders so quickly, we cannot guarantee your order can be canceled once 2 hours have passed. If your order has already been processed, you can return it for a refund once it arrives.

ABOUT Stem & Sill

Stem & Sill is headquartered in Covent Garden, London, but we ship worldwide! We work with skilled artisans and craftsmen around the world to offer you the most unique, timeless products for your home and garden.

You can send us a message using the form below or send an email to Our friendly customer care team is here to help when you need us!


We'll get back to you within one business day.

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